Visitation days with dad were fun for your child when he or she was a toddler, but as your child began to grow older — did visitation days become a chore — and did your child stop enjoying them? Dads have to be strong and understand not to take it personally when their children don’t want to spend time with them. It’s only natural for a child to want to spend time with their friends more than their parents as they grow older.
If you worry that your child isn’t having fun or enjoying visitation days, it’s important to talk with him or her about it. Tell your son or daughter that you love your time together and you want to continue seeing them. Here are a few things you can do to help your kids enjoy their days with you so they’re willing to happily join you on visits:
- Encourage your kids to bring friends over to stay with you for an overnight.
- Enjoy activities together that your child likes.
- Take your child to his or her sporting events, movies, concerts and games.
- Change the dates of visits so that your child doesn’t have to miss important activities.
- Engage your children as a parent whenever possible. Being a father requires huge scheduling sacrifices but it’s always worth it.
No one ever said that being a single parent — especially a noncustodial parent with visitation rights — was easy. However, as long as fathers try their best, they can begin to foster a good relationship with their children which is enjoyable for both the kids and the dads.