Take Immediate Action To Protect Your Children, Your Property And Your Safety
Divorce can be a lengthy process. While your divorce is pending, you may need emergency court orders to protect your children, your property and your safety.
Practice Areas
Attorney Dorie A. Rogers
Is a board-certified family law specialist with more than 30 years of experience representing clients in the full spectrum of family legal matters, including divorce, child custody, child support, spousal support and property division. She has helped hundreds of clients obtain emergency court orders to protect their families and property during the divorce process.
For more information about emergency orders during divorce in Orange County or Riverside County, California, contact us today to schedule a consultation.
Experienced Orange County Attorneys Dedicated To Helping You Through This Difficult Time
If you have an urgent family law or divorce matter that requires an emergency court order, our firm can assist you. At The Dorie A. Rogers, APC, we can help you obtain emergency orders in situations involving:
- Restraining orders: When the health, safety or welfare of you or your children is jeopardized, we can help you obtain a restraining order. If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, we can work to protect your rights.
- Temporary child custody orders: If you have recently separated or you are in transition regarding your living situation, our attorneys can help you establish or respond to temporary child custody orders and visitation orders.
- Relocation/move away: We can help you obtain a temporary order preventing your spouse from removing your child from California.
- Property and finances: We may be able to place a lien on your home or freeze joint credit card and bank accounts to ensure that marital assets and debts remain in place until they can be properly addressed through settlement negotiations, mediation or trial.
- Temporary child support orders: While your divorce is pending, your children may need financial support to maintain their current lifestyle. Our lawyers can help you pursue temporary child support from your spouse.
Orange County Emergency Custody Orders Attorneys
To learn more about how we can help you obtain the emergency orders you need, please contact The Dorie A. Rogers, APC, at 714-602-1492 to schedule a consultation.

“Dorie is a very powerful attorney and a great asset to have on your side in any family legal matter. She is extremely bright and insightful, and I got everything I asked for in my lawsuit.”
“I would strongly recommend Ms. Dorie Rogers for any legal needs. During my Divorce proceedings, Dorie’s professionalism, expertise in Divorce Law and legal skill helped bring my case to a close in both a timely and mutually agreeable manner.Additionally, Dorie took the time to understand me and my background to better represent me in my case. She showed a level of caring and concern that helped me through a very difficult time. She is an outstanding lawyer and wonderful person.”
“Second to none – I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Dorie to anyone. She was my attorney for my divorce and custody case. She will do everything it takes to get the job done and all with a smile on her face. Her knowledge and expertise will assist anyone in a family law situation get the results they want.”
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