Considering the past that you have with your ex, it is easy to see how co-parenting might be difficult. If you and your ex were able to always get along and agree, you would likely still be in a relationship. Since you are co-parenting, there is a chance that things will come up that might lead to conflict. At these junctions, you will have to figure out what to do to make the relationship healthy.
The most important thing for you to consider when you are fighting with your co-parent is how the decision impacts your children. There are times when you might have a knee-jerk response to something. If the matter is minor, it might be best to just let your ex have his or her way. Of course, this is only the case if what the co-parent wants isn’t going to harm the children.
You should explore compromises to the issue at hand. There is a chance that there is something that will be a happy medium for both parents. You and your ex will need to be able to work together in order to make this happen.
Don’t automatically assume that your ex is going to fight with you on everything. In some cases, the way that things are presented might seem like there are attitudes involved. This might make the situation an issue even if there wasn’t any problem to begin with. For this reason, make sure that you are thinking carefully about your words and actions when you are speaking to the co-parent.
Throughout the co-parenting relationship, you need to think about making life better for your child. Eventually, the co-parenting will end so you can think of it as a temporary situation.
Source: Our Family Wizard, “7 Strategies to Overcome Conflict in Co-Parenting,” accessed Nov. 24, 2017