Kaley Cuoco’s prenup requires her to pay spousal support

2022-04-07T19:50:55+00:00By |Categories: Prenuptial Agreements|

Kaley Cuoco’s prenup requires her to pay spousal support

When people mention a prenuptial agreement to their future spouse, they may not be too thrilled about the idea. While some people view prenuptial agreements as unromantic, others realize that they are actually a good idea if they have significant property and assets because it protects them from losing everything in the event of a divorce. Not only does it keep people protected, but it can also make the divorce process go a bit more smoothly since most divorce issues, like alimony and property division, will be addressed and resolved in the agreement.

In recent news, actress Kaley Cuoco, who has filed for divorce from her husband of almost two years, was lucky enough to have signed a prenup, so her soon-to-be ex husband will only be able to receive what is outlined in their agreement after their divorce is granted. Very little was revealed about the couple’s prenup, but it was reported that the agreement contains stipulations about the actress’s spousal support payments. The prenup also allegedly states what property and assets each spouse will receive after the divorce is finalized.

Cuoco is not the first celebrity to have a prenuptial agreement. With celebrities often making millions every year, it is a good idea for them to at least consider a prenup when they first decide to marry someone. If they don’t, they run the risk of having a less favorable decision regarding the division of their property and assets with their spouse.

Anyone who is planning to marry and is interested in getting a prenuptial agreement should consider contacting an attorney. Divorces happen, but that doesn’t mean spouses should walk away with half of each other’s belongings. To be sure their property and assets are protected, getting a premarital agreement may be the best option, so people don’t have to worry about their spouse being awarded half or a majority of everything they have built before or during the marriage.

Source: CBS News, “Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting had a prenuptial agreement,” Sept. 29, 2015

About the Author:

Dorie Anne Rogers - The Law Offices of Dorie A. Rogers, APC
Dorie A. Rogers, a Family Law Specialist, Certified by the State Bar of California, has been an attorney since 1981 with an exclusive family law practice located in Orange County. She is accepting dissolution cases with support and property issues including the use of forensics to ascertain business value, community interests and to establish monthly case flow analysis. Ms. Rogers has substantial experience in high conflict custody litigation involving sophisticated psychological issues. She drafts premarital and postmarital agreement designed to define and establish parties' separate and community property interests. Paternity cases and domestic violence matters are considered part of her practice. Ms. Rogers is a court-approved and court-appointed to represent minor children. Ms. Rogers consults with individuals concerned about entering or exiting a relationship. She advises effective strategies for dissolution or premarital planning. Knowledge is power and good planning affords better results. Specialties: Family Law Specialist, Certified by the State Bar of California