Common mistakes people make when dealing with child custody
Child custody focuses on the best interests of the child or children. Divorcing parents as well as parents of children born out of wedlock need to understand that child custody is for the benefit of the children, not the other way around. Here in Orange County, California, people who are currently dealing with child custody may be interested in knowing some common mistakes that can affect child custody issues and existing visitation arrangements.
Today, many people use social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to post their thoughts and feelings, sharing their daily activities and major events. However, those social media platforms can also affect divorce issues such as child custody. For example, if both parents share custody of their children and their teenage children post something about drinking at a party, the custodial parent may be labeled an “unfit parent.” This can lead to a modification of the existing child custody arrangement.
Anything posted on the Internet can be used by parents against their estranged spouses. Another example is a posted video of a child jumping on a trampoline, which can be viewed as a dangerous activity. Readers need to understand that some posts on social media sites are viewed negatively. Those posts may create a circumstantial story, which could paint one parent as an unfit one and one who is considered ineffective at raising the child or children.
When a parent sees something on social media such as a post depicting their children’s dangerous activity, it is important to discuss the issue with the other parent before deciding to go to court, which can be costly and painful. Not all child custody issues need to be resolved in court. Sometimes, alternative dispute resolutions can help both parents reach an agreement that benefits both sides.
Source: The Huffington Post, “The divorce mistakes you don’t even know you’re making,” Taryn Hillin, Mar. 18, 2014