The woman has been active with the movement for almost the entire year it has been in existence, and lists her current occupation as protester and Occupy Wall Street as her “employer.” It was her husband who filed papers seeking the divorce. He listed irreconcilable differences as the grounds.
The children are currently ages 18, 16, 14 and 8 respectively. In the divorce settlement, the husband will be providing a residence for the children and was awarded the couple’s home. He will assume sole liability for the mortgage on it.
The mother has previously slept in the park with other Occupy Wall Street protesters. The protesters say that they are acting on behalf of the 99 percent of the population dominated by the richest 1 percent, as symbolized by Wall Street. In many cities, such encampments of protesters were dispersed from parks and other places by police, with numerous arrests sometimes taking place. She noted that military personnel fighting in wars often have to leave their families to do so, “I’m fighting for a better world,” she said, in defending her decision. The children will be able to see her when they want to.
Luckily, this child custody arrangement was agreed to by both parents. In other situations when one parent is not in an ideal position to care for his or her kids, there may still be a battle. Some parents refuse to admit that they are not as well-equipped to take care of children as the other parent. It is important to remember, however, that child custody arrangements should focus on what is in the best interests of the child.
Source: Christian Post, “‘Occupy Wall Street’ Mom Gives Up Custody of Kids, Earns $85K in Divorce Settlement,” Sami K. Martin, Oct. 29, 2012