Now that you’ve come to the realization that your marriage is over, you have to decide where to go from here. The answer to this isn’t always easy, but one of the things you will probably need to do is to file for divorce. The divorce is the legal way to end the marriage so that you can fully split from your spouse.
We realize that you might have some questions and concerns about filing for divorce. There are some questions, such as the time it will take to divorce, that are universal. Other questions, such as how retirement assets might be split, have more individualized answers. We can help you find answers to all of those so that you are prepared as your case moves forward.
One thing that we want you to know is that not all divorces have to be contentious War of the Roses-type of affairs. Instead, you and your ex might find that you can give working out the divorce settlement a lot of effort since you know that this is one of the last things that you will have to do together.
Some of the things that you have to decide include who will keep the house, how will retirement and investment accounts be split, who will pay the debts, what kind of custody arrangement is going to work and what type of support will be paid. Once you have these ironed out, you will find that the rest of the process is pretty easy. This is especially true if you can work with your ex instead of having to turn to the court and going through a divorce trial.