While it may be in your best interests to get a divorce, that does not make the ordeal any less painful. It is very easy and perfectly normal to feel alone and vulnerable when ending a marriage. There are so many worries that can occupy your mind. You may have noticed that long-time friends are starting to keep their distance and seem to be siding with your soon-to-be ex-spouse. Perhaps even your children have expressed anger in your direction.
On top of all of this, you also have to contend with the myriad legal aspects involved with a divorce. And If you are concerned about how others are viewing you, you may be hesitant to get into a contentious round of negotiations over such issues as property division, spousal support, and child support.
Certainly, taking the path of least resistance will allow you to resolve your issues quickly. But what you really need and deserve is a settlement that treats you fairly. And for that, you may need to stand up for yourself and only be willing to accept that which you deserve.
Remember, you will only get one chance at negotiating the terms of your divorce. Once the agreement is signed, the matter is for all intents and purposes decided. And since your settlement is going to be a big part of starting your new life, you want to make sure you get it done right.
At the Law Offices of Dorie A. Rogers, we understand the pressures, both internal and external, that are often brought to bear on our clients when they divorce. But we pride ourselves on providing compassionate service, even in the most contentious of circumstances. You can learn more about our firm on this website and feel free to contact us for a consultation.