Prenuptial agreements serve an important purpose for anyone who is getting married. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be wealthy to benefit from a prenuptial agreement. Even if you are young and don’t have a lot of money or assets, you might still find that a prenup can help you.
One important thing that a prenup can do for you is to set the stage for your marital finances. This can help you and your fiance to understand what type of money styles each person has. It can also set clear expectations for what is going to happen with money matters.
There is also the stability that comes with being able to know what specific assets and debts will go to each person if the marriage does fail. While some people think that this will take the romance out of the engagement, many find this process quite the contrary.
You should remember that if something as simple as a prenup is causing a massive wedge in the relationship, there might be other money issues down the road. You can think of this as a trial to figure out how you and your betrothed might be able to handle similar matters in the future.
As you are creating the prenup, make sure that you find out what points you can legally include. Some matters, such as child custody agreements, don’t have a place in a premarital agreement. Knowing what points to include, such as gag orders or social media clauses, can help you save time and create a concise document.