When you are going through a divorce, there are several things that you will have to adjust to. One of these is the way that you handle your social life. In all likelihood, you and your husband had the same social circle during your marriage. Once the divorce is over with, you can reinvent yourself as a single person. This will take time and effort, so be prepared to put in a little work.
As you embark on your single life, make sure that you remember that it doesn’t have to be the same as your life was when you were married. You can find things that you enjoy doing and tailor your life around that. You might have to try new things to find out what you truly enjoy. Now that you don’t have to worry about what a spouse thinks or wants, you do have the chance to truly explore for yourself.
If possible, try to focus your social life around the times when your ex will have the children. This lets you spend time with your children and truly focus on them. You then have the time when they are gone to focus on yourself. While you can go out and do fun things with the kids, don’t forget that sometimes watching movies and drinking hot chocolate can make amazing memories.
As you move toward your new single social life, don’t try to rush. Take your time getting back into the social scene. Trying to rush back into another relationship could be a mistake so make sure that you aren’t trying to move too fast.
Source: Our Family Wizard, “How to Reclaim Your Social Life After Divorce,” accessed Jan. 19, 2018