For a marriage to succeed, both partners must be willing to compromise and give strong consideration to each other’s needs and feelings. But there are some people who are simply incapable of doing what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship. Individuals with narcissistic tendencies typically see the world through a prism of their own desires. This can make them seem very charming on the surface, and they are often able to involve others in their lives. Unfortunately, if you have married a narcissist, you may have come to the conclusion that it is in your best interest to sever ties by divorcing.
But just as living with a narcissist proved unsustainable, you may also face difficulties as you proceed through the divorce process. In an effort to get what he or she wants, a narcissist may resort to bullying or make threats regarding asset division or child custody and support issues. But it’s important that you do your best to stand your ground. To this end, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself.
First, as soon as you can, gather up as much financial information as possible. This means get bank account records, credit reports and tax returns plus any other pertinent data. You will need a full accounting of your marital assets so you can get a fair settlement.
You also want to conduct your important correspondence with your spouse in writing. By using email, text messaging or messages sent through your attorney, you will have a written record that demonstrates the conditions of any agreements regarding alimony, child support or many other important issues.
There are other measures you can take when divorcing a narcissist, including soliciting the services of an experienced family law attorney. By discussing your situation with an attorney, you will be able to work through this challenging part of your life and get on to a better future.