Detoxifying the stress of divorce
Orange County families probably know about the disagreements and other problems that accompany a disintegrating family. Individuals who are in the process of dissolving a marriage may need to resolve family law concerns such as finances, property division and the children. Some spouses may even experience depression and anxiety following their divorce.
Reportedly, a recent program that tackles post-divorce distress may help those spouses. It is called “Divorce Detox,” which is a company based in California. Because divorce may introduce harmful emotions like regret or self-pity; the situation may affect not only the spouse but also other family members, including the children. With Divorce Detox, spouses may learn how to ease the depression.
According to the Divorce Detox’s website, it aims to detoxify the remaining negative emotions after divorce though mental exercises. The detoxification process involves life coaching, psychological education and mindfulness.
The program can help spouses with the different challenges surrounding divorce, such as sleeping disorders and some spouses’ fear of being alone. It suggests classes that touch upon parenting and breakups, which can be discussed one-on-one or in group sessions.
Divorce Detox also suggests simple advice that spouses can take and reflect on spiritually or emotionally. The program wants spouses to think that the end of their marriage may bring a chance to discover something new. The 46-year-old founder also added that divorce may be a way to recreate a person’s well-being. Spouses who attend the program can make use of what they learn in the classes to treat themselves well emotionally, mentally and physically after divorce. This may also help them improve their self-worth and relationship with their children.
Conflicting emotions, when it comes to divorce, are common. However, learning how to control the emotions and focusing on moving forward may not only help spouses but also the children involved in the situation.
Source: The New York Times, “Cleansing the Toxins of Divorce,” Jesse McKinley, Dec. 14, 2012