Common issues parenting agreements may address

2022-04-04T10:41:54+00:00By |Categories: Child Custody|

Common issues parenting agreements may address

When two parents cannot agree on child custody, it often creates a bigger issue because the courts may have to step in and make the decision for them. When this happens, one or both parents may not get what they wanted and may feel the court was unfair in awarding custody to the other parent. The good thing is, this is not how every child custody dispute has to end. Before a dispute reaches the courtroom, parents could attend mediation and create a parenting agreement that resolves this issue. Depending on how things go, everyone could leave happier than they may have been if the decision had been left up to the courts.

Once parents come to a mutual understanding, the following may be included in the parenting agreement:

  • Visitation schedule.
  • Plan for birthdays, vacations and holidays.
  • Plan for dealing with future disputes and disagreements.
  • Contact information for grandparents and friends of the family.

With parents finally agreeing on child custody issues, there may no longer be a risk of a judge deciding which parent will get custody. This also allows each parent to clearly voice his or her desires as far as how much time they feel should be spent with the child or who he or she should live with. When custody disputes enter the courtroom, parents may not always get that chance.

If you and the mother or father of your child are having a dispute over child custody, a family law attorney may be able to help. There may be an arrangement that both parents would be happy with and an attorney may be able to help parents come up with a parenting plan that they both find fair.

About the Author:

Dorie Anne Rogers - The Law Offices of Dorie A. Rogers, APC
Dorie A. Rogers, a Family Law Specialist, Certified by the State Bar of California, has been an attorney since 1981 with an exclusive family law practice located in Orange County. She is accepting dissolution cases with support and property issues including the use of forensics to ascertain business value, community interests and to establish monthly case flow analysis. Ms. Rogers has substantial experience in high conflict custody litigation involving sophisticated psychological issues. She drafts premarital and postmarital agreement designed to define and establish parties' separate and community property interests. Paternity cases and domestic violence matters are considered part of her practice. Ms. Rogers is a court-approved and court-appointed to represent minor children.Ms. Rogers consults with individuals concerned about entering or exiting a relationship. She advises effective strategies for dissolution or premarital planning. Knowledge is power and good planning affords better results.Specialties: Family Law Specialist, Certified by the State Bar of California
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