Can college expenses be included in child support?
After a child graduates high school, they have the option of the going to college and furthering their education. This isn’t always an option that people take advantage of, but when they do, both the child and the parents will quickly realize just how expensive college can be. From tuition and books to travel and room and board, it does not take much for the money to add up.
Ideally, when a child makes the decision to attend college, this decision is one that is supported by both the custodial and noncustodial parent. Although the parents should willingly want to provide financial support for the child, this doesn’t always happen. In some cases, the courts will have to include college expenses in the amount of child support the parent is to pay on a monthly basis. Court ordered or not, with college costing so much, this can help ensure that the child can continue to go to school and work toward a degree.
Even though some parents may be ordered to help with a child’s college expenses, this is not something the courts will always decide. Laws vary from state to state, in some states college expenses will have to be paid, but in other states, it is seen as conditional. This means the parent may not be ordered to make such payments and they have the choice of contributing or not.
When a parent has been ordered to pay child support, it is important that they make the payments in a timely matter. A child needs to be cared for by both parents, if the child payments are missed, the child may not get everything they need. No child should have to suffer this way. Any parent who may be experiencing difficulty getting the child support they need can contact an attorney as they may be able to help.