Prenuptial agreements are one document that is often misunderstood. Some people think that they don’t need one if they don’t have a lot of money. The fact of the matter here is that everyone can benefit from having a prenuptial agreement in place before they get married. You have to try to think ahead when you are trying to determine whether you need one or not.
One thing that might make a difference in your decision is if you think you might get an inheritance. Even if this is only going to contain sentimental items, you need to include it in the prenup so that you know it will come to you if you get a divorce. It would be sad to think that you are unable to keep family heirlooms because your ex wants to be spiteful. The prenup can shore up your rights if the inheritance is something that would be classified as separate property anyway. You can think of this as a safety net of sorts.
Another situation that might warrant a prenuptial agreement when you don’t have a lot of money if you are starting a business. Without a prenup in place, there is a chance that you will have to divide the company with your ex if you divorce. Even if you are dealing with only having to provide them a share of the profits, there is still a chance that you could protect the company even more if a prenuptial agreement is in place.
You can’t think of a premarital agreement as a negative document. Instead, realize that this sets the financial standard for the marriage and provides the stability that comes with it.