Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer2024-12-16T09:19:33+00:00

When you walk down the aisle, all you’re thinking about is what the rest of your life with your partner is going to look like. You imagine the future and how bright and beautiful it will be. Fast-forward to the day that you’re considering divorce. You don’t have to go through this traumatic event without support, and a Los Angeles divorce lawyer can help you navigate this complex situation.

Contact the Dorie A. Rogers

Dorie A. Rogers, has more than 30 years of experience and is certified as a family law specialist by The State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization. Only a small percentage of California family law lawyers who have demonstrated high ethical standards and a unique level of experience, education, knowledge and skill in family law achieve this recognition.

Contact our Los Angeles divorce lawyers today to schedule a consultation. We offer a variety of representation options, including the cost-effective opportunity of working with our associate attorney, Lisa R. McCall, under the supervision of Ms. Rogers.

A divorce is a stressful life event, but sometimes making the decision to move on is better for everyone involved. All the decisions that are made during the divorce process will shape your future with your family. If you are ready to start the divorce process, you need the support of a Los Angeles divorce lawyer. A professional who has extensive experience with divorce and family law can ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible for you.

Selecting the right lawyer to represent you and provide legal counsel throughout your divorce is not a decision that should be made hastily. Rather, you should consider what is at stake and select a Los Angeles divorce law firm that brings more to the table than any other law firm. The Law Offices of Dorie A. Rogers, APC, has many years of experience assisting families through this life-changing process.

The Law Offices of Dorie A. Rogers puts extra effort into mending the wounds of divorce, particularly when it comes to children. Ms. Rogers has an extensive background in psychology and uses her experience and knowledge to advise her clients and carefully guide each case she takes on. Her relatability and compassion are equally esteemed, as are her professionalism and reputation in the courtroom.

Ms. Rogers is well-respected by her colleagues, fellow Los Angeles divorce lawyers, and family court judges. Her reputation of being prepared, competent, and confident precedes her in the courtroom, and she is well-known as a no-nonsense legal force when it comes to upholding her clients’ rights and fighting for justice on their behalf. Her tactical approach in the courtroom makes for many successful divorce case outcomes for her clients and their families.

Divorce Law in California

The laws of divorce in California were established for the purpose of providing a fair process for couples who wish to end their marriage. Neither party needs to be at fault for inciting divorce, as California is a no-fault divorce state. When fault is not part of the divorce requirements, it makes the process less adversarial for the parties involved.

Divorcing couples have some options as to how they can carry out their divorce proceedings in California. Some of the most common ways of divorce are listed below.

  • Mediation
  • Collaboration
  • Uncontested
  • Litigation

Divorce and Family Law

California divorce laws aim for fairness, cooperation, and the well-being of any children involved. This attitude reflects the state’s commitment to conflict minimization and transition facilitation in support of post-divorce families. California strives to enact and uphold the laws in an effort to remain respectful and considerate to all involved.

Even the state’s policies regarding property division speak to the non-confrontational vibe the state wishes to uphold when it comes to divorced parties and the divorce process. A fair and equitable division of assets and debts serves to leave parties without animosity against each other moving forward.

The Role of the Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is the most sought-after facet of family law, and most family law practice areas are intertwined with divorce. In many instances, they go hand in hand. Below is a list of legal areas that fall under the umbrella of Los Angeles divorce law.

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce is one in which both parties agree on all the important matters of divorce, as well as the minute details of divorce terms, including division of property, both child and spousal support, parenting time, and more. An uncontested divorce does not require the case to go to court before a judge to determine the terms of the divorce because they have already been decided on. The only requirement is that a judge sign off on the divorce.

Contested Divorce

When parties involved in a divorce cannot see eye to eye on the terms of their divorce, they must have a judge decide what the terms of the divorce will be on their behalf. These types of divorces require litigation and, as a result, are much more costly than uncontested divorces. They also take more time and can become emotionally charged without an experienced attorney who knows how to maintain a certain air of composure in the courtroom.

Property Division

California, being a community property state, requires a 50/50 division of all marital property. This can get complicated, though, when discrepancies arise regarding what is community property and what is separate property in terms of assets. Sometimes, a divorce attorney is needed to help distinguish between assets and attempt to work out feuds among couples. In some cases, non-monetary marital contributions can offset a 50/50 division, which an attorney can also help in identifying.

Complex Divorce

Divorce can be complicated and arduous, especially when dealing with a deceptive spouse who is believed to be hiding assets. A knowledgeable divorce attorney knows how to uncover marital assets and undergo an actual valuation of marital property for the purpose of completing a fair and just division of property.

High Asset Divorce

When a divorcing couple has a collective value of community property equaling one million dollars or more, it is considered a high net worth divorce or high asset divorce. These divorces require special care to be taken and are not the same as other types of divorces. It is imperative that these cases be handled properly with forethought and experience with high net worth divorce; otherwise, one party could get taken advantage of by the opposing legal team.

Divorce for Professionals and Divorce with a Family-Owned Business

When one or more divorcing parties own a business, either with their spouse, alone, or with a third party, the division of property can get complicated when it comes to valuing and dividing company ownership and assets. In an ideal scenario, a seasoned Los Angeles divorce lawyer can offer suggestions and potential solutions to resolving disputes and avoid leaving ex-spouses with animosity and disdain for each other after the divorce proceedings are finalized.

Divorce Mediation

In many cases, disputes between couples and divorce proceedings are fueled with spite and resentment, and it may be difficult for one or both parties to see the role they are playing in what may seem like an indefinite standoff. Divorce mediation can be a very effective means of facilitating an amicable solution to property division disputes and other heated topics of divorce proceedings.

Having a third party offer a practical perspective and encourage compromises between spouses can prevent a divorce case from going to trial. This saves time and money that would otherwise have resulted in litigation fees and a much longer timeline of a trial.

Child Custody

Many times, divorce involves children, and the divorce terms must make determinations for the children of the marriage regarding whom they will live with and when they will have time with their other parent. A parenting plan answers these questions and is an important part of a divorce settlement. It is the one thing that must be approved by the judge to ensure it upholds the child’s interests and affords both parents their right to have a relationship with their child.

Child Support

Child support is not optional in California, but sometimes, it takes a paternity test and a court order to help someone realize their legal obligation to contribute to the upbringing of their child. A compassionate but firm family attorney can represent parents on either side in these situations, whether the client is seeking support or seeking to legitimize themselves as a parent to retain visitation rights. This only applies to unmarried parents, though.

In divorce cases in Los Angeles, child support is typically required to be paid by the higher-earning income parent to the custodial parent. The amount is calculated using a complex equation that a family law attorney can explain. Our law firm has extensive experience calculating appropriate child support in high income divorces, as well. This is to ensure children maintain a similar lifestyle to the one before the divorce.

Spousal Support

Spousal support is often referred to as alimony. Spousal support is payments made to the lower-earning spouse by the higher-earning spouse after divorce to assist in maintaining the quality of life and comfort of living they had become accustomed to during the marriage. Unlike child support, spousal support is negotiable, and a qualified Los Angeles divorce attorney can assist in spousal support requests, agreements, and/or negotiations amid divorce proceedings.

Modification of Court Orders

Circumstances change for many families following divorce. When a family’s situation changes, it is often necessary to update court orders and make a request to the court to change them. Changes to job, income, marital status, or location may affect child support payments, spousal support payments, parenting plans, visitation, or even custody arrangements.

It is always wise to have a family attorney represent you when requesting changes or when changes have been requested by the other parent in order to protect your rights as a parent and safeguard the interests of your child.

Enforcement of Orders

When an individual is court-ordered to take action, such as making child support or spousal support payments or allowing parental visitation according to a parenting plan set forth in a court order, it is required by law that they uphold these orders. When they do not, it is up to the other parent to hold them accountable under a court of law. An experienced Los Angeles divorce lawyer who focuses on family law and children is a great resource to utilize when someone is not following court orders.

Marital Contracts (Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements)

A knowledgeable divorce lawyer can draw up premarital and postnuptial agreements for couples who are either already married or planning to get married in the near future. These contracts are legally binding in the event that the marriage ends in divorce. They can address asset division, spousal support limitations, or the division of property accrued during the marriage.

Couples get marital contracts for a number of reasons, including when one spouse has significantly more assets than the other, when one spouse has been particularly wronged by a former spouse and would like to protect their assets the second time around, when one spouse has children, or for many other reasons. Addressing certain financial matters before entering marriage can protect the couple from a complicated and expensive divorce later.

Anyone who is planning to enter into a marital contract before getting married or a postnuptial contract if they are already married should understand that these documents must be seamless in their creation to ensure their validity and ability to hold up in court down the road. For this reason, it is very important that a family attorney helps to draft such documents.

Who Pays for the Legal Fees in a Divorce?

In most cases, each party is responsible for paying for their own legal fees associated with divorce. This makes sense because the same attorney cannot represent both spouses. Consequently, both parties must hire their own legal counsel if they wish to have professional legal representation throughout their case.

The two lawyers may work together to facilitate negotiations between their clients, but they must only honor the case of their sole client in legal matters and advise only their client to act in their interest.

Some individuals may not have the income to pay for the same level of legal services, which the state of California finds unfair. The judge presiding over the case may consider legal fees when making decisions regarding property division on behalf of both parties. Alternatively, negotiations between parties may accommodate legal fees, or they might be used as a financial trade-off in settling marital disputes.

Having adequate legal representation can make all the difference, in not only optimizing the outcome but also making the whole process less taxing on everyone involved. It’s important that both sides of a divorcing couple have adequate access to legal representation. If your spouse makes more money than you, the court may even order your spouse to cover your legal fees.

Find out more about our Los Angeles divorce lawyer fees and your legal options by speaking to a member of our legal team at The Law Offices of Dorie A. Rogers, APC. We can discuss legal fees before we start representing you during your initial consultation.

FAQs for Los Angeles Divorce Attorneys

Q: How Much Does a Divorce Lawyer Cost in Los Angeles?

A: Divorce lawyers in California charge varying rates depending on their experience, the area they practice in, and the complexity of the case they are working on. For example, an uncontested divorce would cost less than a contested divorce. The average rates for most legal services provided by California divorce lawyers range from $150 to $450 per hour.

Q: What Is a Wife Entitled to in a Divorce in California?

A: In California, both spouses in a marriage are entitled to half of the marital assets in a divorce. However, in circumstances in which the wife will take custody of the children, California law entitles her to up to 40% of her husband’s income for child support, spousal support, and other divorce settlement terms.

Q: Who Pays Attorney Fees in Divorce in California?

A: California family law deems that both parties in a divorce have the right to equal access to legal representation in divorce proceedings. Consequently, if one party cannot afford the attorney, the court may order the higher-earning spouse to pay the attorney fees for both sides, whether it be the husband or wife.

Q: How Much Does It Cost to Get a Divorce if Both Parties Agree in California?

A: When both parties agree on the terms of divorce, they may opt for an uncontested divorce to save time and money on their divorce. The average cost of an uncontested divorce in California is around $1,500. A contested divorce, on the other hand, can cost as much as $25,000 or more, depending on the circumstances of the situation.

If you are considering filing for divorce in Los Angeles, or if your spouse has filed for divorce and served you with divorce papers, it is time to hire a Los Angeles divorce lawyer of your own. Having the right attorney by your side is essential to a favorable outcome in your case and crucial for coming through your divorce in a positive way. The Law Offices of Dorie A. Rogers, APC is a highly- esteemed family law firm dedicated to helping families find solutions to their legal issues.

The key to a divorce is dispute resolution with minimal conflict and progressive communication. When this is entirely out of the question, it is okay to have a judge work out disputes for you. Either way, you need a confident and well-versed divorce attorney to guide you through the court processes and advise you in making decisions and compromises to better your situation amid divorce and thereafter.

Your Los Angeles Divorce Attorney

Contact The Law Offices of Dorie A. Rogers, APC, and speak with a member of our legal team to learn more about how our firm can optimize the outcome of your divorce case. Schedule a consultation, and we can review the details of your case together.

Reviews Quotes
“Dorie is a very powerful attorney and a great asset to have on your side in any family legal matter. She is extremely bright and insightful, and I got everything I asked for in my lawsuit.”
Brit B.
“I would strongly recommend Ms. Dorie Rogers for any legal needs. During my Divorce proceedings, Dorie’s professionalism, expertise in Divorce Law and legal skill helped bring my case to a close in both a timely and mutually agreeable manner.

Additionally, Dorie took the time to understand me and my background to better represent me in my case. She showed a level of caring and concern that helped me through a very difficult time. She is an outstanding lawyer and wonderful person.”

Alan M. Greenberg
“Second to none – I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Dorie to anyone. She was my attorney for my divorce and custody case. She will do everything it takes to get the job done and all with a smile on her face. Her knowledge and expertise will assist anyone in a family law situation get the results they want.”
Todd M.


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